Kaika Saisei Chapter 4 is finally here everyone! First of all I want to start by apologizing for being this late with it this month. But between my driver’s license exam, my birthday, my job and all the other factors,…
Kaika Saisei Chapter 3 has finally arrived, everyone! Following the events of its predecessor, this chapter sets to jumpstart another important part in Sakura Haruno’s plot. Back when Naruto ran, we all wished we could see more of the heroine’s…
Kaika Saisei Chapter 2 is finally here, everyone! As promised. A month has passed since the publication of its first chapter and I want to say I was positively overwhelmed by the good receptions you guys have shown to this…
Kaika Saisei Chapter 1 is finally here! As you guys already know from my previous post sometime ago, I decided to write my own Naruto AU story, Kaika Saisei. I have always been a Sakura Haruno fan. And I will…
How to start writing your first story is definitely the primary question someone with an idea addresses oneself. I know that was the question I also asked myself when I first came with the idea for my Naruto AU –…
Kaika Saisei – I’ve been talking about it on all my social media channels for a while now. I thought it’s the time to do a proper post about it. To talk more in depth, and try to respond to…
This NaruSaku drabble is my entry for the NaruSaku Zine 2019 edition. I wanted to talk about it a long time ago. However, I didn’t. It may have to do with the fact that I was one of the “lucky”…
Hey everyone, I’m delighted to announce another series of posts I am going to be having called Fragments of Creation. It’s actually going to be a category on its own under Matters of Creation. Well, this will function more as…
Why MIA (missing in action) some of you might wonder? What happened since the last time I made a post? Well, there’s a story behind this reason. A choice I made. Quite some things have happened, and I needed to…
They usually call it the writer’s block. And it’s kinda what I’ve had for a long while now. Although in the previous posts I talked about all the things I’m preparing to write here, I do battle an old enemy.…