Kaika Saisei Chapter 9: Shonanoka

Here I am, after a long time with Kaika Saisei Chapter 9: Shonanoka. It’s been a long time since I have posted a new chapter.

As you guys know, once again, my website got down. It’s taken me a lot of time to rework everything again, every article, every photo, etc.

There might be some issues to it, but oh well, I did the best I could to bring it back to its initial shape. But enough about that. Let’s get back to Kaika.

Chapter 9 follows in the steps of chapter 8 and it’s finally getting to a point I planned for quite a while.

One where most of the Konoha 11 are involved. And how their lives continue after the loss of their comrade, Neji Hyuga.

I must admit, being on a pause after such a long time it was quite challenging to start writing again. It felt as if I got rusty a bit.

But I pushed through and hopefully this chapter is worth the wait for all of you guys who have been following Kaika for a while.

I know that according to the publishing schedule Kaika Saisei chapter 9 should’ve been posted a long time ago.

But oh well, sometimes things don’t go as planned. Those Murphy laws get in the way, heh.

But it is my hope that the contents of this chapter will make it up for all that lost time up until now.

Therefore, without further ado, I invite you to read Kaika Saisei chapter 9: Shonanoka.

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2 Replies to “Kaika Saisei Chapter 9: Shonanoka”

  1. Samantha says: 2022-02-08 at 07:51

    I love your story I hope you will be able to finish it.

    1. Chatte Georgiana says: 2022-02-08 at 07:56

      Thank you so much, Samantha! There have been some events in my personal life that’s made it tad bit more difficult to keep up with updating, but I am working towards getting back to it. And no matter what happens in my life, this story will be DEFINITELY finished!

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