NaruSaku symbolism 2: flower language and harmony


With autumn here, I feel that NaruSaku symbolism 2: flower language & harmony, fits perfectly as the next piece of the series. If you’re eager to see where this started, you can read part 1 here.

Now that I think about it, without even wanting to, I posted the first part in summer which fits. And now, with autumn here, well, this fits just right. But what do I mean by that? Well, allow me to disperse the confusion, and make myself clear.

First part of NaruSaku symbolism series was about how Sakura and Naruto are the two suns of the story. I posted that in the summer. I achieved this matching of post/season without even making it intentional.

Now I am making another post which brings the autumn aspect into calculation, and I’m writing it in autumn, nevertheless. Okay, this one here might be a bit intentional, so you can consider it half matching, I guess.

But enough with the chit-chat, right? Let’s get down to business and show you what I’m talking about.

NaruSaku symbolism 2: flower language

I know that I haven’t been writing on my other series of posts. So I felt a bit rebuked by my own consciousness and went revisiting where I’m at  with the series as of now. That series is at part 12 now. And revisiting those chapters once again, made me recall an initial AHA moment I had back then. A specific part to be more exact. And to be even more exact, chapter 71.

Let me bring forth the images so I can better convey what I want to talk to you about.


Remember how in chapter 71 there’s a whole part where Ino teaches Sakura flower language?

Well, by Ino’s own words, when you find a main flower, you always have to find one that compliments it. You cannot have them clash, as opposites would do. And here is the catch: if the cosmos is the main, which is an autumn flower, you must compliment it with a spring flower. Like she says, if the Cosmos is a autumn flower Sakura, the spring flower, compliments it best. Another way to show the complementary aspect of NaruSaku.

NaruSaku symbolism 2: harmony

But then, why does this count? Well, as per Ino’s own words, in flower language, an autumn flower and a spring flower symbolize harmony. Thus, you see, if we are to look to Sakura and Naruto like flowers in their respective seasons, they both symbolize harmony.


Now, of course, you could say that this is a stretch. However, given what we know about these two and their characters, I say it’s a stretch that nevertheless matches. Naruto is the Cosmos of the story, given how he’s born in autumn on October 10th. Sakura is the well… sakura flower which is a flower of spring, and she’s also born on March 28th.

Together, these two represent the harmony. I don’t know if this is intentional or not, but in the context of how this series ended in terms, it’s a funny thought to entertain.


Oftentimes, after the series ended, I saw people saying that of course these two didn’t end together because otherwise the story has no conflict. Because they matched, and given how they were shown to compliment and complement each other, if they would’ve ended together, the story would have no conflict. At least in terms of the romantic aspect.

Well, it’s funny to note that by the story’s own standards, intentional or not, it’s the truth. If Naruto and Sakura would’ve ended together, we wouldn’t have had all the conflicts the canonized pairings have. Because the canon pairings clash due to their difference. They don’t harmonize with each other because they don’t have the history nor the chemistry that NaruSaku has.

Was it intentional, was it not? Well, that’s a thing we’ll never know. But it’s a fun thought to entertain.

Now, with this being said, I thank you for reading NaruSaku symbolism 2: flower language & harmony.

Hope you enjoyed!

Yours truly,


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