Finally The Last: Naruto the movie aired in theaters on December 6. While all around the big names of the media industry try to cover it up as a huge success and being sold even better than its predecessor Road to Ninja, in reality, things look a lot worse.
Fans are generally disappointed with the movie, its contents as well as the fact that, as previously discussed, although they wanted to cancel their tickets and/or get refunds, fans couldn’t do it as The Last: Naruto the movie was the first movie in its franchise that didn’t allow refunds.
The general complains come from Kakashi and Sasuke’s fanbases, which are known to be some of the biggest fanbases in Japan, that feel they have been part of a fraud and are extremely upset of the false advertisement Studio Pierrot made.
With the help of a Japanese fan themselves, we have gathered the general reaction of the fans across Japan in respect with this movie. Down below read for yourselves how the reception of this movie seemed to failed at impressing the fans:
1) Summary of the movie and the situation at the theaters.
You can catch up here, here and here.
(Click the word and you will be re-directioned to the information.)
Naruto’s confession:
Hinata: If only I was there when Hanabi was …
Naruto: I absolutely will save Hanabi. Don’t worry.
Hinata: Thank you. You’re so kind Naruto-kun.
Naruto: No … really. I don’t say that because I love you or anything of that sort. I’m just worried about Hanabi, that’s all.
Hinata: What happened just there? What did you say?
Naruto: I’m worried about Hanabi …
Hinata: Before that …?
Naruto: ….. Hinata… I love you.
Team Taka never appears in the movie.
“This movie is sold 175% more than RTN in their first day. Which is understandable if you think of the huge Sasuke and Kakashi fanbase who bought the merchandise and tickets before the plot was shown AND the fans who went to see the movie because it’s the LAST movie which resolves the ending.”
^Above contains the information of how The Last only sold more than RTN in their respective FIRST day.
Translator words about the theards and words from a general view of what is happening in japanese websites about the movie, etc:
“The majority of hate comes from this false advertisement. Sasuke and Kakashi are always number one and two in popularity polls. The fans of Sasuke and Kakashi now understood that they were lead on to buy the pre-sale tickets because they have the biggest fanbase. Now they’re really really mad calling this fraud.”
“There was a refund in the movies before. The no refund policy started from this movie or they started after revealing the spoilers. Hence people call it a fraud.”
“I didn’t read much about Junko’s part. They say that she was a NS fan and she was forced in doing something she didn’t want to do or something like that. They were also saying something about her comment saying she doesn’t understand how guys can like that type of girl(=Hinata) or something. I didn’t read thoroughly so I’m not so sure.”
2) Japanese fans reactions.
As always, there is gonna be 2 sides, but from what I got, negatives reviews are overwhelming. Hinata’s anti-threads exploded, Naruto’s anti threads and anti movie’s were created too in 2ch. The comments are NOT only from NS fans, but from everyone.
These are “a few” of them:
1) 403 :見ろ!名無しがゴミのようだ!:2014/12/05(金) 21:58:34.15 ID:eRzVMOQo
Rather than caring for the sister who had her eyes taken out, she’d rather kiss a guy with the moon in the back.
404 :見ろ!名無しがゴミのようだ!:2014/12/05(金) 22:00:04.41 ID:zjdycutc 普通に良かったねと思ってたナルヒナがどんどん嫌になってくる
The NaruHina I thought was alright, now made me hate it.
I was wondering whether to see it but I decided not to.
384 :見ろ!名無しがゴミのようだ!:2014/12/05(金) 21:39:39.13 ID:j9sWjPAP 好きでもない女に執拗に言い寄ってた最低男と 優先順位がナルト君»>マフラー»»»»»>妹
Who wants to see a love story movie between a scum who kept flirting with a woman he doesn’t love and a sh*t woman whose priority is Naruto-kun»>scarf»»»»»>little sister
370 :見ろ!名無しがゴミのようだ!:2014/12/05(金) 21:28:16.07 ID:zjdycutc 男への対抗心で好きでもない女に粘着して邪魔してた主人公が一言
The man who was so persistent towards a woman he didn’t love for rivalry says one word.
“I hate people who lie to themselves!”
Reply comment: 375 :見ろ!名無しがゴミのようだ!:2014/12/05(金) 21:32:39.40 ID:zhByzqf+ »370 「自分に嘘をつく奴は嫌いだ!」
“I hate people who lie to themselves!”
“But it’s okay if I’m doing it!”
336 :見ろ!名無しがゴミのようだ!:2014/12/05(金) 21:04:52.58 ID:gcZStMZk >「ナルトとヒナタの関係性がどうやって、原作の最終回に至るかを描いてはいるんですが、 >僕が大切だと思って何度も何度も打ち合わせで言及したのが、サクラとナルトのあるシーン。 >この映画はある意味で、当初からずっとサクラのことを好き好きと言い続けてきたナルトとサクラの訣別の物語でもある。 >最終回を読んだ読者の方が抱いた疑問やモヤモヤをここでキッチリと解消し、すっきりしてもらえると思います!」
*pastes Kishi’s interview*
Nice joke
338 :見ろ!名無しがゴミのようだ!:2014/12/05(金) 21:07:12.62 ID:3b8EdATE »336
I don’t know how to react towards Naruto becoming a scumbag
339 :見ろ!名無しがゴミのようだ!:2014/12/05(金) 21:07:59.26 ID:XhJ9ANMW »336 >最終回を読んだ読者の方が抱いた疑問やモヤモヤをここでキッチリと解消し、すっきりしてもらえると思います!」 ハハッ “People who read the last chapter could clear their doubts with this movie”
1) 630 :見ろ!名無しがゴミのようだ!:2014/12/06(土) 02:02:02.64 ID:F7BOzbZt
Everything for Hinata-sama
631 :見ろ!名無しがゴミのようだ!:2014/12/06(土) 02:02:39.12 ID:86avGooN サクラもそうだしナルヒナの為にあらゆるキャラが踏み台にされていて嫌になってくるわ・・・ ネジ殺したのもナルヒナの為なんでしょ
I hate how characters like Sakura are being stepped on for NarHina They killed Neji for NH right
Was it so bad to let them get together normally
635 :見ろ!名無しがゴミのようだ!:2014/12/06(土) 02:10:22.30 ID:Da4yOu5w わざわざ人工呼吸とかさせる意味あったか
Was the CPR necessary?
They could have let Hinata or Hiashi do it. Poor Sakura
637 :見ろ!名無しがゴミのようだ!:2014/12/06(土) 02:13:32.02 ID:QOcXQ2ZC ネジは生かしてハナビの補佐とかでよかったやん…
Neji could’ve lived and become a right hand man to Hanabi
It’s like they killed him for NH and Bolt
638 :見ろ!名無しがゴミのようだ!:2014/12/06(土) 02:15:04.85 ID:iEDzGZsM ウソ告白の回って無感情だったサイが ナルトやサクラなんかの周りの感情に気付くようになって 結果的にサクラを追い込んだとはいえ自分なりにナルトを気遣うってシーンでもあったけど ミスリード()が正しいならナルトのサクラへのウソの好意に騙されて余計な気を使わされ サクラを追い詰めただけってことになるしこっちも余計なこと言わされた踏み台だよな
We had a scene of the emotionless Sai worrying for Naruto at the fake confession But if the mislead is true then that means he was made to believe Naruto’s fake love for Sakura, Forced Sakura in a corner and said something he shouldn’t have
I didn’t know Naruto was the worst scumbag who would say that he hate people who lie to themselves and do the same thing using people
640 :見ろ!名無しがゴミのようだ!:2014/12/06(土) 02:20:37.85 ID:sL94po+U 一番健気だと思ってたナルトが一番ひでーような気がしてきた…
I thought that Naruto was the most sympathetic character but now I start to feel that he’s the most terrible
Why did it come to this
942 :見ろ!名無しがゴミのようだ!:2014/12/06(土) 14:25:35.81 ID:PAFFbtgb
上映前 ・*:.。.( ゚∀゚)( ゚∀゚).。.:*・゜ 上映後 _, ._
(´゚д゚`)(;゚ д゚)
I can’t stop laughing at the change of expression of the middle school students sitting in front of me. “The one where they Naruto filed to a parallel universe with Sakura was so much more interesting”
I absolutely agree
871 :見ろ!名無しがゴミのようだ!:2014/12/06(土) 13:03:36.07 ID:6Ivq4PAh ナルトの最後の総括映画がヒナタとのいちゃいちゃ映画って… 今までヒナタ別に嫌いじゃなかったのに嫌いになった
The last movie is Hinata’s love story….. I didn’t care about Hinata but now I hate her
It’s the last movie they could have done some other
6 :見ろ!名無しがゴミのようだ!:2014/12/06(土) 15:18:22.77 ID:Sl0zH5rv 岸本正気か? ポットでのボルトの映画をつくるとか?
Kishi are you for real? Making a movie for bolt?
Who’s gonna watch it. You’ve become a complete retard
817 :見ろ!名無しがゴミのようだ!:2014/12/06(土) 12:34:59.68 ID:E2aLYrVw 原作者自ら一巻から続いてきたナルトの片思いをぶち壊すって・・・ 普通にナルトも可哀想だな
The author himself destroyed Naruto’s one sided love Naruto is also poor
The only one who got gain was Hinata
818 :見ろ!名無しがゴミのようだ!:2014/12/06(土) 12:35:22.87 ID:/1TOuJti »755 声優も被害者だと思っていたが水樹は嫌いになった
I thought the voice actors were victim but now I hate Mizuki
819 :見ろ!名無しがゴミのようだ!:2014/12/06(土) 12:35:27.63 ID:f2ibzN7w 俺の中ではRTNが最期の映画
RTN is the last movie for me
821 :見ろ!名無しがゴミのようだ!:2014/12/06(土) 12:36:26.64 ID:iHRspGpQ
Pre-sale fraud Title fraud secret fraud goods fraud the fraud about dedicating this movie to all Naruto fans The fraud that this winter you’ll be warm with Naruto the fraud of Kaguya’s ancestry
1) 10 見ろ名無しがゴミのようだ2014/11/27(木) 00:51:52.61[1/2] 特典ポスター詐欺なんて今までもそうだったろとは言うが、今までもそうだったなーうん納得したとはならん
People say that the privileges fraud always existed but you don’t go “Yeah, I accept it!” by that
They should have made all the privileges into NH but they say they can’t because the tickets won’t sell. But that means that they are making something that doesn’t sell into the main of the movie.
9 見ろ名無しがゴミのようだ2014/11/27(木) 00:50:30.39[1/2] 前売り詐欺酷過ぎるな公開されたらもっと大荒れする ヒナタじゃ売れないとは分かってるから他キャラで詐欺 そのカプ厨の妄想二次創作レベルの気持ち悪い映画の否定意見に噛みつきまくる ヒナタ萌え豚アニスタとナルヒナ厨のキチガイさが凄い
The pre-sales ticket fraud is too horrible. If this movie airs it’s going to become a bigger sh*tstorm They know that Hinata doesn’t sell so they use other characters and do fraud And those pairing tards are keep on attacking on comments against this fanfic movie The retardedness of Hinata moe anime studio and NH tards are amazing
They respond many times, change their IDs, and their thinking is so crappy.
13 見ろ名無しがゴミのようだ2014/11/27(木) 01:01:32.21[1/5] はあ、サスケの出番あれだけはないわ 何より結婚式ハブられてるし何かなあ ナルトにとってサスケってそんなもん サスケもナルトの結婚が嬉しくないのかよー 原作であれだけサスケサスケ言ってたのにさ
What it’s unacceptable that those are the only Sasuke scenes Most of all they excluded him from the wedding Was that all Sasuke was to Naruto? Even though he kept on saying Sasuke Sasuke in canon
Sigh, I’ll continue after I watch it
14 見ろ名無しがゴミのようだ2014/11/27(木) 01:01:49.77[3/11] 別に恋愛映画だろうがどうでもよかった だがメインのナルトヒナタ以外脇役ってどういう了見 あんだけ前売りや予告でカカシサスケ見せといてそれかい 同期を始めとした他キャラは噛ませっぽいし
I don’t care whether this is a romance movie or whatever But why is every other character that isn’t Naruto or Hinata gone to the side? They kept on showing Sasuke and Kakashi in the pre-sales and this is what happens Also the other rookies seem to be tools
Who is going to gain from watching this movie
16 見ろ名無しがゴミのようだ2014/11/27(木) 01:10:07.01[1/2] ナルヒナキチガイから絡まれず解放されると思うと気が楽だわ 少しの批判にも噛み付いて、20レス以上うだうだ気持ち悪すぎ
I’m so relieved that I won’t get harassed by the retarded NH in this thread They attack on any single comment that talks bad about the movie with more than 20 replies and it’s sick
It doesn’t make sense for the movie which not only doesn’t compliment the canon story but disregards it not to be bashed
17 見ろ名無しがゴミのようだ2014/11/27(木) 01:12:17.50[2/5] 予告詐欺は慣れちゃたよ でも699話でああやって戻ってきたサスケとナルトの関係をチラッとも見せてくれないなんて
I’m already used to this trailer fraud But not showing anything between Naruto and Sasuke who returned in chapter 699
What was that about seeing a new relationship?
18 見ろ名無しがゴミのようだ2014/11/27(木) 01:13:32.36[1/3] »17
Probably by new relationship they mean strangers that don’t care about each other
20 見ろ名無しがゴミのようだ2014/11/27(木) 01:15:36.62[1/3] ヒナタのマフラーよりサスケやカカシの戦闘シーンが見たいんだが オールスターで良かったじゃん これがナルト最後の映画とか勘弁してくれ 好きなだけに泣けてくる 恋愛映画じゃなくて七班や同期が活躍してる忍者映画見たいんだよ ナルトはイルカ先生いただろ
I want to see Sasuke and Kakashi’s fight scenes more than Hinata’s scarf They could have made it Allstar Please tell me that this isn’t the last Naruto movie I liked this story that it makes me want to cry I want to see a ninja movie where team seven and the rookies are active instead of a romance movie Naruto had Iruka
Everything is a mess
41 見ろ名無しがゴミのようだ2014/11/27(木) 07:48:43.46 特典をサスケカカシにしたなら こいつらを使えば売れる出番があれば喜ぶ奴が大勢いるってことは分かってたわけだよな
ポスターやメインビジュアルでもヒナタと同じ大きさでサクラや同期が書かれてて 最後だからと見に来る層は同じとはいかなくてもそれなりの活躍を期待したろうに ヒナタにだけ原作にもなかった設定盛ってマフラー編みで無駄尺取って 他のキャラは添え物かカップル応援するだけの役で原作の謎は放置って
If they made the privileges Kakashi and Sasuke They knew that if they used these two characters the movie will sell and many people will be happy They knew this and they made Sasuke appear only for two seconds and that Kakashi scene.
I feel like they had ill intentions.
Even in the poster and the main visual the rookies were drawn in the same size as Hinata The people who are going to watch the movie because it’s the last would have expected more actions They made only Hinata have some story that was not in canon and made her knit a scarf which was a waste of time The other characters are just there like ornaments and they ignored the unresolved plot points of canon manga
This isn’t something you do in a movie you call the last
82 見ろ名無しがゴミのようだ2014/11/27(木) 13:08:44.28
Remembering Toriko, Mizuki is a professional in destroying stories
92 見ろ名無しがゴミのようだ2014/11/27(木) 14:03:58.01 サスケファンとカカシファンがかわいそうです、さすがに 前売りやグッズでお金使わせておいて登場時間が90秒とか棒立ちとか ブックカバーの台詞もムリヤリ売る為に持ってきたと考えると笑える
I feel so bad for Sasuke and Kakashi fans They made the use money with the pre-sales and the goods but in the movie they only appear for 90 seconds The comment on the book cover was forcefully brought in to sell it
Hinata is the main so they should have made Hinata goods
105 見ろ名無しがゴミのようだ2014/11/27(木) 15:49:19.72 前売り詐欺だったな 前売りの時点はヒナタ押しの恋愛映画ってとこを隠してた辺り、
しかし最後の最後でアンチ増やしまくった作品も珍しいな もはや忍者漫画でもバトル漫画でもなくヒナタ豚専用の恋愛脳映画と化してしまった
What a pre-sales fraud lol At the time of the pre-sale they hid that this was a romance movie forcing Hinata
Despicable anime studio lol
But a story that increases so many antis at the very last is very rare This not a ninja manga or a battle manga but a romance obsessed movie for pig Hinata
How the anime staff have fallen
107 見ろ名無しがゴミのようだ2014/11/27(木) 15:53:38.37 ここまで悪質なセールスしてたら、たとえ試写の反応で多少は何かしらの 修正があったとしても、不評のままだろうな 前売り買い取り拒否された人達はほんとお気の毒だけど、一応鑑賞した後に
With such an ill intended way of sales, even though they fixed some parts due to the bad response from the people watching the screening, it would have ended badly I feel bad for people who cannot get a refund
But they are allowed to watch the movie and give this movie one star and complain
117 見ろ名無しがゴミのようだ2014/11/27(木) 16:36:28.89 この手の前売り詐欺って当たり前なの ポスターに出て前売りグッズに出て 映画関連グッズには大体いるキャラの 登場時間が一分程度でセリフは一言だけとかさ
Are these kind of pre-sale fraud common? All the characters that had the goods and the posters and the movie related products are only there for a minute
Is this normal in other stories?
131 見ろ名無しがゴミのようだ2014/11/27(木) 17:47:11.97 ID:w0pQVZBSはただの荒らしっぽいけどナルヒナ信者はマジで原作読んでない 当然原作との矛盾や性格の違いも気がつかないから専用スレでみんな喜んでるよ
NaruHina fans are really not reading the canon manga Of course they won’t realize the difference of personalities and settings with the canon version so they are happy in their own thread
I don’t know what they want if they are only happy with their characters wedding and not reading canon
Update of the Japanese comments in the anti-THE LAST thread. Apparently, it seems like the anime studio made a commercial where Sakura is being jealous of being robbed of her heroine status. The Naruto fandom are angry about this and this is their comments.
397 :見ろ!名無しがゴミのようだ!:2014/12/07(日) 00:44:18.11 ID:jGMzbziZ 何か新しいCM流れてた うろ覚えだがサクラに 「何でヒロインが変わってるのよ」か「何で私がヒロインじゃないのよ」系の アニメのおまけで自分のED作れと言わせたのと同じような扱いをしていた
A new commercial was going. They made Sakura say, “Why am I not heroine”
How much does the anime staff hate Sakura….?
400 :見ろ!名無しがゴミのようだ!:2014/12/07(日) 00:45:33.48 ID:l2oO+G4X »397 ネットでの騒ぎ知ってるだろうになあ
They probably know about the chaos going on in the internet
It’s a mystery what they’re trying to advertise with that commercial
401 :見ろ!名無しがゴミのようだ!:2014/12/07(日) 00:45:37.84 ID:6fPNOfPK 今蟲師見てたらひどいCM流れてたな
I just saw that terrible commercial
How much does the anime staff want to make Sakura fall
402 :見ろ!名無しがゴミのようだ!:2014/12/07(日) 00:46:34.48 ID:EpL0lbam
They probably have a huge Sakura complex
404 :見ろ!名無しがゴミのようだ!:2014/12/07(日) 00:46:54.12 ID:ntAYnpZZ »397
I never liked or hated Sakura but now I feel sad for her hearing the creators words
405 :見ろ!名無しがゴミのようだ!:2014/12/07(日) 00:48:06.39 ID:fEYlYnWg
Because this movie proved there was nothing wrong with Sakura
409 :見ろ!名無しがゴミのようだ!:2014/12/07(日) 00:53:02.24 ID:6fPNOfPK サクラ「いつからヒナタがヒロインになったのよ~」 ナルト「いやぁ~…」
The commercial Sakura: From when did Hinata become the heroine?
Naruto: Well-
412 :見ろ!名無しがゴミのようだ!:2014/12/07(日) 00:55:04.33 ID:EpL0lbam »409 そもそもヒナタってヒロインじゃなくね?
But Hinata was never the heroine was she?
Even though she’s a princess in the movie
414 :見ろ!名無しがゴミのようだ!:2014/12/07(日) 00:55:33.99 ID:fJOBH/0G »409
They should just stop this….
415 :見ろ!名無しがゴミのようだ!:2014/12/07(日) 00:55:39.36 ID:PVxF5ieH よっぽどヒロインという地位にこだわってんだな…
They are so obsessed with the heroine status
There is no way you can think of an unimportant character as a heroine
421 :見ろ!名無しがゴミのようだ!:2014/12/07(日) 00:59:23.15 ID:8N78wN2P
When bullying comes to this level I feel so bad for Sakura’s VA….
422 :見ろ!名無しがゴミのようだ!:2014/12/07(日) 00:59:56.39 ID:WTtRHxa4 はあ
How did Nakamura-San feel when she spoke this
423 :見ろ!名無しがゴミのようだ!:2014/12/07(日) 01:00:12.30 ID:EpL0lbam ヒナタ大嫌いになったわ
I truly hate Hinata
Her character design is ugly too
424 :見ろ!名無しがゴミのようだ!:2014/12/07(日) 01:00:56.52 ID:AVqSMNly »397 どん引きってレベルじゃないな…下衆だよ、下衆 こんなスタッフに他作品に携わってほしくないから 一生大好きなヒナタ姫でも描いててくれ
This isn’t the level of cringing…it’s such a low blow I don’t want this staff to work in other stories Please write their favorite princess Hinata forever
And never speak and close your mouth and nose
426 :見ろ!名無しがゴミのようだ!:2014/12/07(日) 01:01:19.46 ID:PVxF5ieH いやほんと、700話読んでもなんとも思ってなかったのに映画の展開で一気にナルトとヒナタの組み合わせ大嫌いになってしまったw
When I read chapter 700 I didn’t feel anything about NH. But with this movie I just hate them. Was there ever a story that made the fans a hate it so much after the ending?
430 :見ろ!名無しがゴミのようだ!:2014/12/07(日) 01:03:08.98 ID:MJ+wdhve CMマジかよ…関係者どこまでクズなんだ? サクラ憎しが伝わってきてキモい ヒナタが真のヒロインコメントを公式に載せたときに決定的に嫌いになったが
This commercial is true….how much of a scum are the staff? It’s so disgusting I can just feel their Sakura hate I hated them when they posted the Hinata is the true heroine comment
Now my hate has increased, what a sh*t
436 :見ろ!名無しがゴミのようだ!:2014/12/07(日) 01:05:16.91 ID:MJ+wdhve しかもそれをサクラの声優に言わせてるとこがほんと悪質
It’s so disgusting that they made Sakura’s VA say it
Let their star Hinatan and Mizuki say it
438 :見ろ!名無しがゴミのようだ!:2014/12/07(日) 01:06:32.86 ID:scHiYvbm
There are a total of four commercials that put Sakura down and Hinata up
It’s so cringeworthy to see their persistence in trying to put Sakura down
I don’t think in the canon, Sakura ever looked down on Hinata
447 :見ろ!名無しがゴミのようだ!:2014/12/07(日) 01:10:19.25 ID:EpL0lbam 恋路を邪魔された上にアシストまでやらせたサクラにこれかい
After trying to destroy her love life and using her assist to in NH, this is how they treat her
The must have been jealous because her character design is cute and she’s the first love heroine lol
Some links to 2ch:
The LAST anti-thread 4
Anti-Hinata thread [THE HINATA] thread
Ten hours ago, Naruto Uzumaki had already 86 anti threads created for him. Naruto’s new nickname is 最低のくず the worst scumbag.
3) Kishimoto’s words and Junko Takeuchi’s words.
劇場版パンフレット(2014年12月6日発売) >僕の中では「NARUTO-ナルト」の少年期が終わって、
>ヒナタはナルトが最初から頑張っているところをちゃんと見て、ずっと応援していた唯一の子なんです。 >ナルトはうまくいかないけど頑張っていて、諦めないところが格好いいって分かってる。
Movie Voucher
Inside me Naruto’s child era has finished and from when the adolescent era started I decided to make Naruto get with Hinata.
Hinata is the only one who saw Naruto trying hard from the beginning and cheered for him. Naruto knows that no matter how things don’t go well you’re cool as long as you try hard and never give up.
Sakura also realizes that in the middle, but I felt sorry for Hinata who was there from the beginning if she isnt reciprocated (lol).
“But I didn’t really have any devotion about the love story of the two-Naruto and Hinata- (lol). I didn’t plan to write this story.”
“In the latest interview her answer (Junko’s) towards “How do you feel about the Hinata love story?” was quite direct:
There was never anything to show that this (NaruHina) was going to happen so I was surprised.”
“Also, it seems to be that the Bolt movie will have a Nana Mizuki play Himawari. However, Junko will not star in this movie for some reason.”
“I remember her words to Kishimoto during RTN promotion. It was like
Junko: If you will make a Naruto son, can I give my voice to him too, sensei?!?
Kishimoto: Sure! “
This is from an old interview with her:
“Interviewer: So, the chronicles of a grown up Naruto begin at last. Can we expect any major changes to his voice and your performance to reflect it?
Takeuchi: Well, both young Naruto and grown-up Naruto are the same character, but…I’m going to imagine that some amazing stuff happened in the two years not chronicled in the original manga, and approach the role as if it were brand new. As for whether or not there’ll be changes to the voice or not, I won’t know until I actually do it… well, maybe it won’t change (smiles). I’m intending for half of the elements in my performance to consist of what we’ve built up until this point, and for the rest to be a brand new character. I’m really excited about it.
Interviewer: Will his relationship to Sakura and Kakashi undergo changes as well?
Takeuchi: I don’t think there will be major changes. But, for instance, where before he would have surely tried a brute strength approach, he might not; where before he would have simply tried to plow forward, he might stop and think. That’s where we’ll see his growth. I feel Naruto grows stronger the more people there are whom he cares for and needs protect, and the Naruto we’ll see in Shippuden will have a better grasp as to how to protect them. I think he also has more power to work with now, too. But he’ll still be as reckless as ever (smiles).
Also, I’m eager to see what happens, romantically with Sakura. I mean, little by little things have started looking up, right?
Interviewer: Well, that’s true.
Takeuchi: And that’s why I’m worried things will go terribly wrong! If things are going well right now it means it’ll be difficult* later on, so will you please stop getting worked up so easily, Sakura-chan!”
That’s probably why she was “surprised” at the ending.
4) Other things.
According to the greeting:
NARUTO’s new movie is coming on next august.
Boruto is a lead character and Naruto, Sasuke, Sarada will appear in it.
Kishi’s now busy thinking the scenario.
He’s going to think how SS get married from now.
He also worried whether the scenario of the last movie connects well with that of original manga.
Forgot to make Boruto & Himawari have Byakugan.
He named Boruto (volt) to express that Neji (which means volt in Japanese) fixed Naruto up with Hinata.
Also, it seems that Chie Nakamura complained for the lack of SS in the movie, so Kishimoto will make something about it in the incoming movie about Bolt.
The general review of The Last: Naruto the movie seems to be the worst one in all Naruto franchise.
So, as we can see, fans across its mother land feel the same as the general fanbase across the world: betrayed, disappointed, lied to…